Tuesday, July 5, 2016

No More Subreddit Posts From Me

What I have been doing when ever I uploaded a video was share the video on Facebook, Twitter, Blogger and also Reddit, and for those of you who don't know what Reddit is, it is basically a place similar to Tumblr but better, you can find whatever you want on there because that is the purpose of the website, sharing and becoming a part of a community. However, sharing only applies to content that is typically not your own, they recommend that you only share about 10% of your own content, because they do not want self promotion on the site.

 I have decided to discontinue sharing to my subreddit for this exact reason, they consider it self promotion. Now when I created my subreddit I didn't realize this was frowned upon, on the site and it was only brought to my attention recently when I asked if it was alright to post one of my videos in /r/gaming because it demoed a game never to be seen by the likes of the community before. The mod of this subreddit called me a spammer and told me he was surprised that the Admins who run the site hadn't banned me yet. To be honest, this really hurt being told this, because I was under the impression that I was following the rules.

I read this mod's message several times, thinking he was just some sort of A-hole however, after doing some research, I realized he was correct in calling me a spammer. According to the Reddit rules, I basically am a spammer, I was only posting my stuff for self promotion and I wasn't posting anybody else's content.

Yes I am discontinuing to share to my subreddit, however I am still going to keep it live so that if our community ever gets large enough, they can have a place to discuss the latest videos from their favorite YouTuber, Mobinng Bingman, and if they do post I will do my darnedest to reply, because that is what having a community as great as mine is all about; engaging them, having fun with them, making them think and laugh, and overall calling them my friends, my friends that I care about, that make me want to make more videos, and better videos.

Remember to have fun, to smile and remember your friends, I'll see you guys later, bye, bye!

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