Sunday, July 10, 2016

Why You're Awesome

You know what the greatest thing in the world is? You, the greatest thing in the world is you, the one reading this blog post, the one who is thinking to themselves, right now, I'm not awesome.

How do I know this? It is actually rather simple, I know you are awesome because you just are. People are just great, and in lieu of certain recent events, I would like to touch down on this subject just a little bit to prove that you are awesome.

It seems like if someone isn't posting about Pokemon Go or politics, they are posting things about the recent shooting in Dallas, where a sniper shot down 5 officers. this has in turn sparked yet ANOTHER conflict within society with the tagline #Blacklivesmatter or #Alllivesmatter.

Now before we go further into this topic, I just want to say that this is just an observation and nothing said here should be taken in the wrong way, I just want to provide my thoughts on the matter.

In my hometown there will be an event, 'Black Lives Matter' that claims, "This event is for everyone but this is simply our way of using our white privileges to TRY and make a change. We must unite to fight systematic and hateful racism. We can't stand back and not do anything for fear of being privileged. Unfortunately, as white people, we do have an unfair power and advantage. Let's use it."

I totally see, the point of this and I am sure a lot of other people see that the creator of this event is just trying to end this conflict, however in my opinion and in a lot of other's opinion as well, the creator of this event has approached this touchy subject the wrong way, I feel they should have called this event by a different name, not just singling out a certain race. And if I am being completely honest the event is a great idea and I do agree that there does appear to be a white privilege, however what we do in my hometown, will not change the fact that there is hate everywhere, even if it is a step in the correct direction.

Hate is a hard thing to get rid of in this world. First people have to want to change, and really that is the most difficult portion of ridding the world of racism and hatred. One event is nice and all, but how many people will go back to what they were doing the day before? If we want change, we have to change, we can't leave it to the next generation, because if we do, it will only become harder.

Second we as a United Nation cannot keep doing idiotic things, like go to war over oil, be controlled by corporations, and vote in political races that are basically a popularity contest, even when none of the candidates are fit to be in office.

Lastly, and probably the easiest step in eliminating hatred and racism is caring for everyone. I know, it can sometimes be hard to not stereotype or judge someone by how they look, but maybe if we start talking to those we cast judgement on, we as a human race, can learn to be more accepting, to grow out of a society filled with hates and violence, crimes and racism, and expand into a new era, an era where every life matters.

So I will ask again, how do I know you are awesome? I know you are awesome because you and everyone else alive today have a very important mission to withhold, and this mission is to care for all lives, to change the direction the current society is headed, to prevent future hatred towards people who do not deserve it and to remember that we need to stand as one in order to progress into the future. We stand stronger as one, and if we are divided we will fall faster, so all lives matter.

Remember to smile, to have fun and remember your friends, I will see you guys later, bye, bye!

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