Thursday, June 30, 2016

July Schedule

First off I would like to apologize for the possible lack in videos over the next couple of months.

This month (July), I have a lot of responsibilities in the real world. My job requires me to be working quite a bit, however like always I will do my best to get the content out.

August I will be moving...which means I will try to prerecord plenty of content, however you guys might get a lot of a new grouping of Don't Dies, sorry in advance if that happens.

Okay, now for why you came to this article.

Mondays: Day Off
Tuesdays: DAMT 2
Wednesdays: This Old Block
Thursdays: DreadOut
Fridays: Darwin's Demons
Saturdays: Day Off
Sundays: Undertale

This will be my schedule for releases for the month of July.

As for live streams, I think I might try doing more of them this month 2 of them are guaranteed.

Saturday, July 2 -

Who will be involved:
Sarnon42, Jamcdonald120, and Ghost_Rider_2099
Speed runner
Minecraft (possibly)
Duration: ~3 hrs
Begins: ~ 8:30 PST

Monday, July 4 -

Who will be involved:
Games: Tera
Duration: unknown
Begins: unknown

Random Tuesday or Thursday live streams will happen. When they do Tuesdays will be on YouTube and Thursdays will be on

Remember to have fun, to smile and remember your friends. I'll see you guys later, bye, bye.

Darwin's Demons

Saturday, June 25, 2016

A Case of the Procrastinations

So you might be wondering where the Undertale video that was supposed to go up yesterday is. To be honest as of Saturday (today) morning, I still haven't recorded it.

It started on Thursday, I wanted to get ahead in my recordings, and then the glorious Internet caught my attention, without realizing it I had spent 6 hours playing a logic puzzle game because of that dang Steam Summer Sale.

Then Friday, I also had full intentions of recording you know that didn't happen, I got sucked into watching Etho's  Sky Factory 2.5 series with Pauseunpause and VintageBeef...I would definitely recommend this series by the way, before I headed off to Ghost Rider's place for game night.

So long story short, I apparently have the attention span of a fly, and a procrastination problem of a high schooler during finals week.

I would like to apologize for my lack of self motivation. I realize I am hurting myself the most, by doing I have to record 2 videos tonight before I can hang out with the group.

That's right 2 videos! Undertale is the one that takes priority and while I upload it I will also be recording a second DreadOut for this week, I figured out how to get out of that blasted school, FINALLY!!

I also feel bad for not uploading on time so I am planning a live stream on Tuesday evening, but I have to get Rocket League out first, that takes priority. Visit my social media links, to keep updated on the stream information. I think I might work some more on the Mega Hub on This Old Block, and I can't  guarantee that the other guys will be there as well, but hey 2 live streams in 1 week, that's something right!

Remember to smile, to have fun and remember your friends, I'll see you guys later, bye, bye!

Also don't forget to subscribe to my channel
It means a lot to me!

Monday, June 20, 2016

Dreaming About the Future

I started my channel on April 28, 2013, I was going to play Pokémon exclusively, however I didn't have a good setup so I sort of abandoned the idea of making content on YouTube, that is until I rediscovered Minecraft. I started making videos of my playthoughs in June or July of 2014, right after I built my computer Susanoo, Storm of the Summer. I have spent 2 years using her to make my content and hopefully she will last me a lot longer, but in those 2 years I have managed to upload 315 videos  (currently) and gained 101 subscribers, that was a long 2 years.

Now back in January, I promised if I made it to 200 subscribers and JA made it to 64, we would do a live video for you guys, and that still holds true. Sarnon, Ghost, JA, and I will make a video just for you guys!

Now comes the point of this blog post. I started my channel to have fun, and I think I have accomplished that goal time and time again, as my friends started joining me though, I realized I wanted to help them grow and have fun too. I have actually told every single one of them, once I make it big I will buy them new setups (hardware to be exact).

At my current rate of gaining subscribers I should be a big channel in about 1000 years, that a joke by the way, I get that the system is exponential, which means my growth rate will increase faster and faster the more subs I do have. How awesome would it be to see full screen videos from Sarnon, or low lag videos from all of them? Heck, Ghost and Sarnon could start livestreaming with JA and I.

So I guess my point is, if you guys help me, grow my channel faster, I can help my friends grow their channels and then everyone is happy because you guys get great content.

I can't wait for the day I cross 100,000 subs or even 1,000,000 if that is even possible, haha that would just be so fantastic.

You guys have a nice day, remember to smile, to have fun and remember your friends, I'll see you guys later, bye bye!


And Then I Died - Aion 3

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Happy Father's Day and Teasing a Surprise

Happy Father's Day, to all those Dads out there! I hope you all have a nice day.

With today ending my long days in the real world, I plan to resume uploading videos at a reasonable time, none of this 1 AM the next day stuff, however if I am being completely honest, that may still happen on Monday. I will do my best to pre-record tonight, however we all know I suffer from a very serious procrastination problem, the whole reason why I created this June Schedule to begin with.

A slight digression that happens to be good news coming down the line, hopefully in the next couple of days (by line I mean from me to you).

I hope you enjoy this news, I know I am very proud of what it is, and I just can't wait to get the final version from my friend, who is designing them for me. I would have to say they are rather clever and so far I love what she has done with them.

"Them" is plural so, more than one surprise, right? That should be a hint towards what exactly the news is.

I hope to announce the surprise in my 100 subs special, however it may just get its own special video, because it is just so great!

Remember to smile, to have fun and remember your friends, I'll see you guys later, bye bye.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Dread Out 7 - PIGAH is Stuck

DreadOut Delay and Other Hinderings

DreadOut will be a little later today, forgot to upload it before I had to take care of my real world responsibilities.

That being said, over the next couple of days videos may be late or may not even be created and released. The reason for this is that I have a job that requires me to be there instead of making content for my fans.

Friday and Saturday I work open to close, both 11 hour shifts and Sunday not as long of a day but it still open to close, luckily it is only 8 hours. It is expected that I will be exhausted, so if I do release videos I can't imagine I will be to loud and exciting but I will definitely do my best.

Oh and one last thing before I end this post, in regards to my 100 subs special, it is coming I am just making sure YouTube doesn't do the "oh I see you just hit a milestone....IT WOULD BE A SHAME IF ANYTHING WERE TO HAPPEN TO IT!" Game, they like to play.

Thanks to all my viewers and subscribers, you all mean so much to me! Don't forget to share my channel with friends and family, the bigger my channel gets, 1) the more content I can release. 2) the group gets better computers to grow their channel with. 3) the less I will have to apologize for a possible lack of videos due to real life responsibilities. And 4) there will be even more people in this community that are just so amazing I can't put words to it.

Thanks everyone! Remember to smile, to have fun and remember those who mean a lot to you! Until next time, bye bye!


DAMT 2 - 8 The Face of Stupid

Saturday, June 4, 2016

June Livestream Details

Tonight during our livestream we will be playing 2 different games.

The first one is called "Who's Your Daddy?", I recommend if you get offended easily, don't  watch the first hour or so of the stream, you won't have a good time.

The second game, Minecraft, we'll be doing two separate things. 1. We are going to fight the Ender dragon a couple of times on the DAMT server. And 2. We will play on The Hive the remainder of the stream.

Come join us, the fun starts at 8pst and goes until 11. It can be found on my youtube channel and I will make sure to post a link before it starts.